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Online Sales Team Delivers 100 Vehicles to Out of Area Customers

Since The KEY’s Online Delivery  launch in November of 2014 The KEY’s Online sales team has had a goal of delivering 100 vehicles. The online sales team started with Josh and Katrina as the only two employees in the department an gradually increased to a team of 12. In July of 2016 that goal was … Continued

Test News 1

Did you know that by 2020 nearly half of the Australian workforce will be millennials?  The generation aged 26-34 years will soon dominate our workplaces. In the blink of an eye, they’ll be leading the developed world.  How are we dealing with the expectations of millennials? Panicking? Reading every millennial article known to mankind? Millennials … Continued


Testint pres Release 3

Did you know that by 2020 nearly half of the Australian workforce will be millennials?  The generation aged 26-34 years will soon dominate our workplaces. In the blink of an eye, they’ll be leading the developed world.  How are we dealing with the expectations of millennials? Panicking? Reading every millennial article known to mankind? Millennials … Continued
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