Can Oil Grade Numbers Really Affect Your Car?

Can Oil Grade Numbers Really Affect Your Car?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t pay much attention to the oil grade numbers when you have your car serviced. You know that higher numbers mean thinner oil, and that’s about it. However, did you know that these numbers can affect how your car runs?

Turns out it can! Different numbers correspond to different viscosities (or thicknesses) of oil. It means that using oil thicker or thinner than what your car needs can damage it. Crazy, right?

If you want to learn more about what the different oil grades mean and how they can impact your vehicle, continue reading this blog post by The Key Online. We’ll also provide tips on choosing a suitable grade of oil for your car.

Why Oil Grades Matter

Oil’s viscosity (thickness) indicates how well it will flow through different systems within a car’s engine at varying temperatures. If there are issues with these oils being too thick or thin, it won’t be able to properly lubricate your engine parts as they rub against each other during operation. It can cause more friction and heat, which are bad for your engine.

The higher the oil grade number, the thicker the oil will be when it is cold. The lower the oil grade number, the thinner the oil will be when it is cold. It is why you may have heard that using a low-grade or “summer” weight oil in winter can cause damage to your engine – because it’s too thin and won’t provide proper lubrication at colder temperatures.

A car’s OEM usually specifies what type of oil should be used to maintain warranty coverage. However, aftermarket oils also offer their grades and viscosities, which might not always match those specified by the OEM.

How to Choose the Right Motor Oil

Choosing the right motor oil can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these simple tips, you can rest assured that you’re using the best possible oil for your car.

Start by determining the type of motor oil recommended for your car, whether conventional or synthetic. There’s no need to switch from one to another unless you experience problems with your current brand, like excessive smoke emissions or leaks.

Look at the grade number required based on manufacturer specifications (like SAE 0W-20). Then check out different brands until you find one that meets those requirements without exceeding them too much.

The higher-grade number will keep your car running smoothly and prevent it from overheating. You’ll also see fewer smoke emissions and fewer leaks due to a thinner consistency.

However, if you use a higher than required grade oil, it can end up costing you more at the pump. You may also see decreased fuel economy and an increase in emissions from your car as a result. So it’s vital to ensure that you’re using the proper grade of oil for your vehicle!


So drop by at The Key Online to buy your next car, and make sure you speak to one of our experts and learn about the grade of oil your car needs. We’ll be more than happy to help you out!

If you are looking for a specific make and model in Oklahoma City, OK, call us to help you with it.


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